Isn’t it time you felt radiant again?

In this coaching program, you’ll reclaim your worth, renew your energy, and restore your happiness in your life, career, and relationships.

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Does this sound like you?

âś” You've checked all the boxes for a "happy life" but nothing about your life right feels happy right now

✔ You know that something needs to change, but your fear of the unknown is stopping you in your tracks

✔ You feel burned out, unappreciated, and stressed to the max but everything you've done to help you feel better hasn't worked

✔ You feel lost and don’t even recognize yourself anymore. You know you need to start making yourself a priority

✔ You’re in a push and pull between hustle and exhaustion, just trying to survive everyday

I know that you’re struggling with this, but I want you to know it’s not your fault.

There’s a reason you still feel lost, stuck, and confused. You’re used to achieving and doing things on your own. Of being the top in your class and the leader in your field. So, when it comes to these other parts of your life, it’s hard to ask for help.

And yet, you took the risk and stepped out of your comfort zone. You did your research, read all the books, listened to the podcasts, and sought out the experts. But, here’s the thing, even with all those resources, it’s easy to fall back into the trap of negative self-talk and self-doubt.

So instead of moving forward, you’re staying stuck. You keep doing things in hopes that you’ll find true happiness again. Things like:

  1. You’re constantly reaching for the next “thing” and taking on tasks to make others happy, but that leaves you feeling empty. True happiness comes from within. Unless you know who you are and have a grounded sense of yourself, you’re not going to find happiness externally. You don’t need to look for validation elsewhere.
  2. You’re not setting clear boundaries. At work and in life, you’re taking on too many tasks that leave you feeling depleted and unappreciated. Taking on that extra shift or project, when you know you’re also doing everything at home from running kids to school, cleaning, and cooking. You have no time for yourself. You’re too busy people-pleasing to even think about “self-care” or what you want your life to look like.
  3. Your perfectionism is standing in your way. Perfection is the opposite of progress. If you keep letting your perfectionism get in your way, then you’re blocking yourself from experiencing true happiness, unbridled joy, spontaneous laughter, and settling into the magic moments of your day even when life doesn’t go as planned.

What would it be like if you had...

✔ Internal confidence to know your worth and move forward into a more vivacious version of yourself

✔ A flexible balance between life, career, and family that didn't leave you feeling burned out at the end of the day

âś” Energy to do the things you actually want to do and not what you feel obligated to do

✔ A fulfilling career where you felt appreciated and like you were making a difference

âś” Peaceful mornings of sipping on your coffee without feeling rushed to get anywhere

Welcome To

Reclaim Your Radiance,

A validated 6-week program that’ll help you embody the most vivacious, confident, and radiant version of yourself

Learn how to create a vision for your future, daily habits and routines to propel you forward, and practices to find happiness today so that you can live, love, and serve in all the ways you dream of.

This program is unlike anything you’ve done before. It’s a holistic approach that combines modern science, psychology, mindset, ayurveda, yoga, and mindfulness. Each lesson is short, concise, and easily digestible but the transformation in them is big. You’re guided step-by-step through “Take Action” Worksheets so that you can paint the big picture of what you want out of life without getting overwhelmed.

Enroll Now

Here’s The Weekly Breakdown:

MODULE #1 - Taking Inventory

With so much chaos going on in your life right now, it's hard to see a way out, or even to focus on how you're going to create a more radiant version of yourself.

To find clarity for moving forward, you need to take stock of your life now, ask the hard questions, and uncover your vision for your future.

This “awareness” is the first step to making any change. Module One is all about helping you take inventory of the stressors in your life right now, creating your ideal vision for the future and identifying the emotions you want to experience on a daily basis.

You're mapping out your “point A” of where you are now and your “point B” of where you want to go so that you can create your smooth, fun, and fulfilling journey.

You’ll start to see how you want to live day in and day out, and who you want to be instead of all the things you need to “accomplish” or “get done.” You’ll learn that your life purpose isn’t some huge thing to be figured out, but it’s how you show up everyday. By the end of this module, you’ll already feel like you’re finding yourself again and be saying “WOW! Big dreams are possible!”

MODULE #2 - Empowering Daily Routines

Your morning determines the rest of your day. And, your days determine your week, month, year, and ultimately your life. If you wake up hitting the snooze button for half an hour or rushing around feeling stressed, that energy is going to follow you for the rest of your day, and into the next and so on creating a rushed, haphazard, always semi-late sort of life.

Creating a morning routine that's relaxing, peaceful, and inspiring will give you energy to live out your day to the fullest. To live in a way that’s calm, non-reactive, and full of all the things you love.

In this module, you'll go through the practical steps of mapping out your morning routine by first being aware of where you are now and then working towards creating your ideal day.

You'll learn the best time of day to start your morning so you can work through problems with intention and focus. You’ll create space for clarity in your life even after this program ends.

As a bonus, you’ll get a guided meditation that you can come back to whenever you feel overwhelmed as a reminder to be kind to yourself along this journey.

MODULE #3 - Mindful Movement

Acceptance, through tuning into your body’s signals and allowing your emotions to flow through your body, is a necessary foundation to transformation. Doing this adds value to your life by bringing you to clarity. In a world with so much uncertainty, these habits and routines bring you closer to your mission and purpose. When you stay connected to movement, you purge the emotions that are not serving you.

In this module, you’ll discover ways to practice mindful movement that doesn't have to be perfect, expensive, or hard. You’ll learn how any physical movement that’s done with non-judgemental awareness is a mindful practice and any action, no matter how imperfect, is better than none. You’ll learn a strategy to set yourself up for success and growth.

As a bonus in the module, you’ll also get access to a video series of guided mindful movement practices.

MODULE #4 - Food & Digestion

Your gut tells a bigger story than you give it credit for. If you're eating rushed and shoving down your food, chances are you're also shoving down your emotions and experiences. This can show up like heartburn, feeling bloated, sluggish, and a whole host of other digestive problems.

Digestive issues are the first way your body tells you that something’s off balance and needs to be addressed. You may need to slow down, process grief or trauma, or deal with anger related to the past. There might be something you need to let go of and your body is letting you know that.

But, unless you tune in and pay attention to your body signals, they’ll get stronger and show up in different ways until you begin to listen. That could mean chronic pain, a new diagnosis, anxiety, or insomnia. So tuning in and listening to your body’s digestion is actually a huge part of acceptance and transformation.

In this module, you’ll learn more about this link between your digestion and emotions. You won’t get nutrition advice, but you’ll learn something far more important and that’s this: HOW you eat is more important than WHAT you eat. If you’ve been focusing on what you eat, but then end up eating in front of a screen, you’re missing out on major ways that your food can nourish your body and emotions.

You’ll learn how to engage all 5 senses to create an environment of love and gratitude while you eat so that you’re present and mindful during mealtimes. There are a lot of ways to eat mindfully and create a nourishing space, beginning well before you sit down to eat.

MODULE #5 - Career & Relationships

Boundaries get you closer to being around people who support, encourage, and want you to thrive. Staying grounded in defined boundaries is about loving and respecting yourself and others. Whereas, not respecting your own boundaries chips away at your self esteem and self-worth.

In this module, you’ll learn how to shift from people-pleasing to saying “no” with grace and truth. Setting boundaries will help you achieve that elusive work/life balance you seek. It’s going to be hard, but it has to be done and, in this module, you’ll get a framework to set boundaries and analyze the consequences so that you’re no longer ignoring your own needs to please everyone else.

MODULE #6 - Celebration

You don't have to have it all figured out in order to enjoy and celebrate what's working now. You need to give yourself credit for all your successes, no matter how big or small.

You don't need to accomplish huge things to have a great day. Or set high standards for yourself to feel productive.

When you celebrate your small wins every day, instead of waiting for the big moments to celebrate and be happy, then you find joy in everyday living. You’ll achieve even more in life and it’ll make you a happier, more grateful person. In this module, you’ll learn how to stop downplaying your success and discover small ways you can celebrate daily, instead of waiting for your “wins” to be so big that you feel like you need a dinner out or a party.

Here’s How It Works:

Six (6) Pre-Recorded Video/Audio Modules
You'll get 6-months of access to six pre-recorded video modules that are easily digestible and can fit into your busy schedule without an overwhelming time commitment.

One (1) Introduction Pre-Recorded Video/Audio Module
In this Module, you’ll learn more about the Radiant Living C.A.R. method that’ll take you from Point A (where you are now) to Point B (where you’re going), and the foundational tools that’ll get you there.

Six (6) Take Action Worksheets
You’ll take action in each lesson so you’re creating new habits and routines in real-time. You’re guided through journaling prompts with detailed questions to get you to fuller answers and a practical way to move forward in a way that feels manageable and tangible. These worksheets will make you think about each lesson and how to apply it to your own daily life.

One (1) Private Coaching Call
Your opportunity to get direct feedback and 1-1 coaching from me at the end of the program to get clarity on your Blueprint for Fulfillment, identify roadblocks moving forward and get tangible next steps.

Additional Private Coaching Calls*
When you choose the Premium package, you’ll get direct customized support and guidance throughout each step of the program.  Option to add-on private coaching sessions with any package


Choose the path that resonates with you:



I’m a busy woman seeking tailored support without a long-term commitment

On-the-Go Coaching includes:

  • 30-minute coaching sessions at $250 each
  • Customize your coaching frequency
  • Schedule at your convenience
*Note: Reclaim Your Radiance core curriculum sold separately (see Standard package for details)



I’m a high-achieving woman who prefers to work through things on my own

Reclaim Your Radiance signature program includes:

  • A validated curriculum to work through at your own pace
  • 6-months access to core video modules and worksheets
  • (1) 15-minute intro call
  • (1) 30-minute wrap-up coaching session
  • Email support for three months



I’m a busy, high-achieving woman seeking dedicated, personalized support and guidance on my path to radiance

Reclaim Your Radiance + Private Coaching includes:

  • A validated curriculum to work through at your own pace
  • 6-months access to core video modules and worksheets
  • (1) 15-minute intro call
  • (8) 60-minute coaching sessions
  • Email support for six months

Limited number of sliding scale scholarships available upon request. Contact me to apply.


"Absolutely loved this program! The modules are concise yet transformative. Sheetal's approach to the ideal vision exercise was a game-changer. I've done similar exercises before, but her prompts made my vision more vivid and detailed than ever. Surprisingly, my dream house manifested just days after the exercise.

Creating a daily meditation practice had also been a struggle, but this program made it click. Short sessions in the mornings and evenings have become a soothing routine. The resistance is fading away, and I feel more centered."

-Sari (Physician)

"Life's unexpected turns led me to a whirlwind of projects as an early empty-nester. Feeling overwhelmed, I sought help to prioritize and find structure. The real transformation happened when I realized my struggle with schedules was about setting inner boundaries. Despite setting boundaries with others, I was falling short with myself. This program reignited my accountability, leading to a structured daily routine, and even designated 'celebration' weekends. Now, I'm happier and more productive."

-Cindy (Entrepreneur)

"I used to race through life missing out on the beauty of the journey. This program transformed my perspective into one that's radiant, joyful, and fulfilling. The bite-sized lessons fit seamlessly into my schedule. The interactive worksheets sparked meaningful introspection, guiding me to apply each lesson to my daily life. The program's organization and interconnectedness created a seamless journey.

In the midst of challenging times, this program was a timely gift. It redirected my focus towards a positive future for me and my children. I'm dedicated to making these practices a part of my daily routine.

-Tammy (Nurse Practitioner)

"When I started this program, I felt unsure how to move forward in my career. This program helped me uncover my life's desires and identify roadblocks. It turned overwhelming hurdles into achievable steps so that I'm now confidently tackling concrete goals."

-Savitha (Sustainability Expert)

This program is for you if you’re…

✔ Strong, successful, checked off all the boxes for a great life, but you still feel like something’s missing

✔ Overworked, overwhelmed, and burned out at work and in life and you’re looking for a way to get off the hamster wheel without moving to a cave in the Himalayas

âś” Willing to put in the work to dig deep and examine your life through a fresh lens

âś” Ready to make some big changes and get a little uncomfortable to create your dream life and step in the fullest, most vivacious version of yourself


I want to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for yourself.  Feel free to use my Contact page to reach out to me directly if you have any other questions!

Terms and Conditions:
Refunds: No refunds will be provided for this program.
Exchanges: Exchanges are not available for this program.
Transfers: Program transfers to another individual are not permitted.

More Testimonials

"Through the lessons in Reclaim Your Radiance, I rediscovered parts of myself I had lost touch with. Sheetal's guidance helped me to break free from perfectionism and embrace a kinder approach to myself. This program empowered me to create a plan tailored to my desires, unlocking an ability within me that Sheetal helped uncover. Now, I not only have tools to reach my goals but also a mindset of self-kindness and celebration through the process."

-Astride (Physician Assistant)

"Reclaim Your Radiance guided me on a journey back to myself. It taught me how to engage with myself daily, whether in times of stress or joy. The discussions and tools offered during each session added depth to each week, emphasizing the large impact of even the smallest details. If you're thinking of joining, this program will equip you with the mindset and tools to connect with yourself daily and rediscover who you aspire to be."

-Cassady (Naturopathic Medical Student)

"Through Reclaim Your Radiance, I learned that being the best version of myself is more important than the pursuit of perfection. Sheetal's approach led me away from negative self-talk and overwhelming expectations. She guided me on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, transformation, and empowerment. With her nurturing and supportive approach, I tapped into my true inner self, uncovering a path to authentic joy, peace, and fulfillment."

-Rita (Physician)