Ep 13: Reconnecting To Joy w/ Angel Myers
Angel Myers returns to the Essential Self-Care podcast to share her journey of reconnecting to joy when she was faced with a challenging situation and how she shifted her mindset from self-care feeling “frivolous” to self-care being necessary. Learn a clear process that you can also use to discover what brings you joy!
Angel Myers is a therapist specializing in betrayal recovery and addressing the unique challenges that can arise from financial, emotional and physical infidelity. Her book, “Every Day, I Do: How To Rewrite Your Vows After An Affair” is due to be released Summer 2023.
Learn more and connect with Angel here: https://angelmarriageandfamily.com/
Facebook @angelmarriageandfamily
email: [email protected]
Download your free guide “6 Simple (Yet Powerful) Steps To Create Your Radiant Life” HERE: https://www.radiantlivinginstitute.com/6-steps-workbook
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